Dreamcatcher Story 2 - Elder Rose explains the importance of focus to succeed in life. 🕮

Year 2022 - Elder Rose, an Ojibwe Gran-ma telling to her grand-son "Little Thunder" the process of building a dreamcatcher when she were young lady…

"You see my little one, when I was a young girl, we Ojibwe people would make dreamcatchers the traditional way. The process was not just about gathering materials and weaving them together.It was a spiritual journey that required concentration, meditation, and a deep connection to the natural world.

We would begin by finding the perfect willow branch in the forest. We had to listen to the whispers of the wind and the whispers of the trees to find the right one. Once we found it, we would cut it with a sense of gratitude and respect for the tree that was giving its life to become a part of the dreamcatcher.

Next, we would go hunting for sinew and feathers. But it wasn't just about catching the animal, it was about connecting with it and understanding its spirit. Only then would the sinew and feathers be suitable for the dreamcatcher.

Once we had all the materials, we would begin the process of weaving the web. This was the most important part of the process and required the most focus and concentration. As we wove, we would enter a meditative state, connecting with the materials and the spiritual meaning of the dreamcatcher.

As we wove, we would sing traditional songs and prayers to honor the spirits of the natural world and to ask for their protection and guidance. Each step of the process was infused with spiritual significance, and we knew that the dreamcatcher was not just a decorative item, but a powerful tool that would filter out bad dreams and only let the good ones come through. But the process didn't end there.

After the dreamcatcher was completed, we would hang it above the bed and leave it there for seven days, while we would continue to sing traditional songs and offer traditional tobacco offerings to the spirits. This was to ensure that the dreamcatcher was fully charged with spiritual energy and that it would do its job of protecting our dreams.

The whole process was steeped in magic and spirituality, it was a journey that connected us to the natural world and to the spiritual realm. It required patience, focus, and a deep understanding of the spiritual significance of the dreamcatcher.

And that's why the dreamcatcher will always be a powerful and magical object, that will always carry the symbolism of the Ojibwe people, and the tradition will always be passed on.

And even today, as we make dreamcatchers in a more modern way, we must not forget that spiritual significance and the connection to the natural world that the Ojibwe people held dear.

When we make a dreamcatcher, we should still be mindful of the materials we use and the spiritual meaning behind it. We should also take time to reflect on the spiritual significance of the dreamcatcher, and to meditate and focus on our intentions for it.

Even in the modern way of making dreamcatcher, we can infuse it with spiritual energy and make it a powerful tool for protection and guidance in our dreams. And just as the Ojibwe people would give tobacco offerings to the spirits, we can give our own offerings in our own way, be it through singing, thanks, or simply by being present in the moment and focusing on the spiritual significance of what we are making.

So, my little one, as you make your own dreamcatcher, always remember to be mindful of the materials you use, and to infuse it with spiritual energy and intention. The dreamcatcher will always be a powerful and magical object, that will always carry the symbolism of the Ojibwe people, and the tradition will always be passed on.

And it's up to us to keep it alive and make it meaningful in our own way.

All this is to tell you one thing my little one. The success in your life will be determined by the intention that you carry in each of your actions. Stay focused, think about what you are doing and why you are doing it, be in the present and do one thing at a time. And if one day you have a doubt, go back to your dreamcatcher in your room, meet me there and wait. The answer will appear to you.

The end. 

If you would like to discover our dreamcatchers, you can have a look in our shop here. 

